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Henan Iron and Steel Industry Plans to Transform [SteelHome] 2018-12-28 11:56:21

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It is reported that Government of Henan Province issued Plan of Henan Iron and Steel Industry Transformation and Development, the Plan for short.

The Plan points out iron and steel industry highlights green production, large-scale equipment, intelligent enterprise and quality steel based on green, reduction, quality and efficiency three transformation directions.

Iron and steel industry is significant and basic industry in Henan Province. In 2017, Henan Province produced 27.02 million tons pig iron and 29.54 million tons crude steel. It shows continuous rebound of overall steel industry and improvement of profit of steel enterprises/

While facing key period, low technical equipment level, heavy pressure of the enterprise pollutant emission reduction, weak market competition ability and deficiency of product supply system which adapts to the localization demand etc. exist in iron and steel industry in Henan Province.

The Plan defines main task from six aspects.

1.     Strictly control new-added capacity;

2.     Implement green reform;

3.     Support merger and reorganization of enterprises;

4.     Promote equipments upgrading. For new project, its blast furnace shall not be smaller than 1000m3, converter shall not be smaller than 100t and electric furnace shall not be smaller than 100t.

5.     Strictly control coking capacity;

6.     Promote cooperative development of industrial chains.

As of 2020, iron and steel industry in Henan Province reaches “Three Reduction and Three Improvement”, namely, steel reduction of capacity, reduction of steel enterprises and reduction of pollutant emission; improvement of product share in local market, improvement of equipment level and improvement quality and profit. Meanwhile, Henan Province actively integrates and establishes two large-scale steel enterprises.

(To contact the reporter on this story: or 86-21-50585358)
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