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Top Chinese Steelmaking City Announces 3 Requirements in Steel Industry for Environmental Protection [SteelHome] 2021-04-06 16:51:42

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Tangshan’s government detailed comprehensive managements of environmental protection in steel mills on last Saturday (3 April, 2021). Li Guifu, the city's deputy mayor, pointed out three requirements. He said the government will punish firms that fabricate production data.

Requirement A - Full Investigation

All mills are required to fully investigate their operations and to rectify it.

Requirement B – Systematical Improvement

All mills should present their environmental improvement projects to Tangshan’s environmental protection department within 3 days.

Main production parameter and pollution discharging coefficient of sintering machine, pelletizing machine, as well as blast furnace have to access environmental protection department’s monitoring platform before late April. All gate should be equipped with access control and CCTV, linking internet connection with the environmental protection department. If not, the company would be downgrade to Level D.  

Before 15 June, the following work should be done, otherwise its production would be halted: (a) desulfurization of blast furnace gas in 59 blast furnaces of 18 companies; (b) lower-nitrogen combustion or denitration transform of 70 heating furnaces in 15 companies; (c) primary flue gas dust removal upgrade project of 46 converters in 17 companies.

Requirement C – Strict Daily Emission Cut

A special emission cut policy for steel industry would be released by Tangshan’s government, requiring all mills to strictly operate based on the rules. Meanwhile, all mills should post a notice in a conspicuous place that large reward would be given to one who reports illegal action of intentionally environmental damage.

(To contact the reporter on this story: or 86-555-2238837 18725550282)
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